Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year's!

This might be a little late, but this package was just too cute for words! And I can post this because......he still hasn't received it yet. Haha oh the weather back East. I sent this package on December 26th! It's still not there! But I know the postal service is doing everything they can so I'll just wait patiently for him to get it!
One for Elder Whitney and his companion Elder Henry

Confetti! (I just cut up gold ribbon into little pieces)

I made sure to wrap the sparkling cider in an insane amount of bubble wrap before I shipped this puppy off! And Voila! Done! I'll be posting a Valentine's package in about two weeks! Xoxo

Dear cousin,

To my dear cousin,
Was it the internet? Was it the television? Was it a magazine? Was it twitter, facebook, Instagram, etc.? Was it her friends? Was it you? Who told my sweet, beautiful, vibrant, 12 year old cousin that this is what should define her?

My first thought was “Does she believe this? Does she really believe that how many likes this post gets will determine how many people want or will want to date her in the future?” Well let me answer that: NO. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that the average age of those who follow my cousin on Instagram are 11, 12, and 13 (The fact that she has an Instagram is still mind-blowing). Do kids at this age think about being in a relationship? Is it even possible for a seventh grader to understand the concept of being in a relationship? Does she know that in six years she will probably never see these people again? To this day I can count the amount of people I still see and talk to from middle school on one hand. And I for one am glad! In seventh grade I was 75 pounds and not even five feet tall. I didn’t wear makeup. I didn’t even own makeup. I brushed my hair before I went to school. I tried to dress cute. I had freckles and dimples! I didn’t quite know who I was. I had a few close friends but I wasn’t part of any clique and I didn’t have my own posse. My pre-teen years weren’t bad, but boy I am glad I grew up! My best friends in middle school were my best friends all through high school! They were uplifting, motivating, and inspiring! Three of them are serving LDS missions, one just received her mission call, and another is attending a university just like me!  But I know where my sweet cousin is coming from. I wanted someone to share the “Cutest Couple” photo in the yearbook. I wanted someone to bring me a stuffed bear to school for Valentine’s day. I was envious of those people because they had something I didn’t. Did I really want a boyfriend at that time? Probably not. I wanted the satisfaction from knowing that someone wanted me. Luckily for me, there was no “Instagram.” I couldn’t hopelessly post this picture and pray that at least ONE person “liked” it. What happens if no one likes this post? Will it ruin her day? Will it ruin her week? Will whether or not someone likes this determine how many people still want to be her friend? Absolutely not. And I hope she sees it. I hope she sees the potential she holds, the beauty that radiates from her, and the joy she is in the lives of her family in friends. The point is that someone will want her. I don’t know when or how. She might not meet that person until high school. She may not even meet them until college. WHO are they? I don’t know that either. But what I do know is that she will meet that person. In the mean time I want her to be confident. I don’t want fear to drive her. I don’t want “likes” to determine the way she feels about herself. I want her to see how beautiful and smart she is (men like smart women, right? ;)) She is a joy! She lights up the room when she walks in! She is caring and loving! She is a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, and a friend! The value she holds is tremendous! Imagine if she saw these characteristics of hers every day! Would she have still posted this picture? I’m hoping not. She would know the worth of herself the way I know the worth of her. So my sweet cousin, remember that the unhappiest people in this world are those who care about what other people think. You are far too beautiful and smart to be standing in your own way.