Monday, December 9, 2013

Tribal Weather

Cardigan: Bliss
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Old Navy

Happy Winter! This picture was taken when it was 4 degrees outside! I absolutely love this cardigan that I just got! Plus it was only 20 dollars! It's from a store in my local mall so it's not available online:( But tribal sweaters and cardigans are everywhere, and they are an easy way to make an outfit so cute! Plus, I love this skirt! I could make 20+ outfits with it! XO, Darian

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Knee Highs

Dress: Bohme (old)
Knee highs: Target (old)
Shoes: Old Navy
Hi everyone! It snowed a lot here in Utah the other day! It is freezing! This picture is one of me and my best friend Lexie from a week ago. I hope you are all staying extra warm this December!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Just Coastin'

Hi everyone! I made these coasters in ten minutes! I found the idea here and tried my best to recreate them.They are super fast and super easy. My grandma gave me a 24 pack of plain coasters which you can find at Michaels for cheap. The original project was made using a Sharpie painters pen but I just used what I had, which was a Sharpie metallic marker. I just recreated the designs (very original, right?) and they turned out great! These are cute for your home and can easily reflect your personal style and design!